Nova LMS

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Precious Gabraels

Hi! I'm Precious,

Founder/Team Lead, Nova Vamp.

Precious Gabraels

Hi, I’m Precious,

Founder/Team Lead, Nova Vamp.

Over the years we've evolved quite a lot from our brand Nova Vamp and this platform is yet another way to give back and help aspiring people seeking to enter or advance their knowledge in Tech and Digital Skills. As the years are fast going by, it is quite important that we keep to emerging trends and technologies so as to adapt and utilize the tools we have to achieve our goals and be a part of the change and the next phase of technological advancements.

Nova LMS - School

What you gain from our platform

24/7 Availability

You will have access 24/7 to the courses you signed up for so that you can learn on your pace any day, anytime.

Affordable Price

Prices are affordable for the average person and tailored for each person's need based on industrial standard.

Updated lessons

Rest assured, all our courses and lessons are always updated according to emerging trends and new tools rolled out everyday so that the student can work in real-life projects that are relevant.

Career Advancement

Our community will provide you with the needed support and guidance as you navigate your career. We also have mentors to lead you by the hand until you are able to stand on your feet.

Get Started Now

Register Today and Enter Into The World of Possibilities

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